Who made this?

Hello! My name is Frank Neumann and on this website I showcase my projects and works. For those who are also interested in who I actually am or come from, here a few lines on that:

Born 1987 in the beautiful Mecklenburg Lake Plateau (north-east of Germany), moved to Berlin to study architecture and work as a graphic artist/photo editor at the same place.
So my profession is in the visual area - I earn my money using Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom etc. I am interested, in addition to architecture, to history, science and technology. Conrete nearly all works on this site revolve around these areas and while doing them I am using techniques from 3D-modeling mechanical engineering or woodworking.
I am fascinated by the process from a rough idea to a finished product you can hold in your hands and don't shy away from difficulties on the way because those are what you learn from in the end.

This is also the main purpose of this website: to document my progress in all of these areas and to act as a showcase for my best pieces of from all areas.

My Youtube-Channel | My Instagram | Old Site about programing in QBasic and BlitzBasic


You want to reach me about relevant topics? Please feel free to get in touch via